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End Times News & Commentary

What it Truly Means to be God's Disciple

Watching the TV images of thousands of displaced Ukrainians running for safety is another heartwrenching sign of the chaos in our world today. The Lord said there would be days when “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Yet, the uncertainty of war, fear of economic collapse, and the ongoing battle for the soul of our children are enough to make us all struggle to keep the joy of the Lord in everyday life. For myself, I know God is walking me through a season of learning what it truly means to be His disciple.

Last month I wrote about how the upheaval at our local School Board was a lesson in grace and the power of prayer. The Lord showed me that despite our conflicts, the follower of Jesus must remember the world is judging Christ by how we behave. As someone who spent decades in the “works-based” religion of Islam, my immediate inclination was that I had to try harder. If I could wake up each day intent on doing “better,” somehow I would start to manifest His attributes of kindness, compassion, and most of all, love. However, as a follower of Christ, striving in my own strength would never work. I soon learned that the starting point has to be with Him.

We all have heard that God’s greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all….your strength and to Love your neighbor as yourself.” But in practical terms, I did not understand the “how?” Then I heard this excellent explanation of a pastor at my neighborhood church. The love of God is not based on emotions, and it is not something we can experience without the Holy Spirit. It is how a Christian draws closer to Him through His Word and is transformed.


Story by Hedieh Mirahmadi, Exclusive Columnist, The Christian Post.


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