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End Times News & Commentary

That Q Thing

The Q Movement. Q-Anon. The almighty Q. I’d rather not mention this crusade because of its tendency to stir people up. But I would be remiss as an end-times watchman if I didn’t address the topic.

“Trust the plan” because “the great awakening” is coming, and the world is about to shift from “dark to light” when “the storm is upon us.”

First, let me state that the purpose of this post is not to define the essence of Q, nor provide an historical account of the movement. This post is not a political commentary, nor any type of political analysis. Instead, I offer a look at this Q thing from the perspective of one who sees through the lens of a Christian worldview. To assist me in this charge, I’ll use the image below (although I can’t claim ownership of it). It provides a side-by-side view of biblical scripture compared with terminology commonly found in Q drops (coded posts) and used by Q followers.

What this list reveals to me personally is that the entire Q movement is a scheme that was cooked up by the dark side to confuse, distract, and deceive people. But let me be clear: all of this is not to say that Q followers or Q-Anons are all inherently evil people. In fact, most of them I’ve encountered are professing Christians. I find them to be patriotic, intelligent, God-fearing individuals with a strong ethics and solid moral standing. Unfortunately, they’ve been deceived by the serpent, the Father of Lies, and distracted from our true purpose in this world. You see, our focus should not be on fixing a system under the sway of the devil (i.e. draining the swamp). As JD Farag recently said, this is an exercise in futility. God’s plan is not that we – mankind – right the worldly system. Our kingdom is not of this world! We’re merely pilgrims passing through.

The devil and his minions are busier than ever now that we’re reaching the end of the Age of Grace. May this post serve as a reminder of whom it is we serve – the Lord Jesus – what our purpose is (salt and light), and may it help us all to keep our eyes focused where they should be right now - looking up for our Blessed Hope.


If you’d like a deeper understanding of Q, here’s a mainstream media article that attempts to tell the story: (Collins, Ben & Zadrozny, Brandy. (2018, August 14). How three conspiracy theorists took ‘Q’ and sparked Qanon. NBC News). I encourage you to do your own research. Pray for discernment!


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