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Swiss to Vote on Fundamental Rights for Apes

(RT) On Sunday, residents in the northern Swiss region of Basel-Stadt will take to the polls to decide whether non-human anthropoids should enjoy the same basic rights as their human cousins. The vote has been instigated by campaign group Sentience under Switzerland’s direct democracy system after amassing more than 100,000 signatures. The country's supreme court gave it the go-ahead after cantonal and city governments claimed the vote would violate federal law.

Sentience, which launched the campaign in 2016, said it was “thrilled at this historic decision,” after the supreme court threw out the regional government’s objections. Basel-Stadt’s residents will vote on whether to give primates the right to life, as well as the right to “mental and physical integrity.”

“This will mark the first time worldwide that people can vote on fundamental rights for non-human animals,” the group claims. The group says that all primates are highly intelligent and experience human-like feelings and emotions, such as pain, grief, and compassion. It adds that they also maintain an active social life.


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