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End Times News & Commentary

Signs of the Times

While we’ve been distracted by CHAZ/CHOP, BHAZ, BLM, the Trump Rally, COVID-19, anarchy, spray-painted landmarks, toppled statues, and lawlessness of immense proportions, here’s what’s been going on behind the curtains:

6/23 (Today) – 7.1 Mag Earthquake South of Mexico City

6/22 (Yesterday) – 5.5 Mag Earthquake in India

6/22 (Yesterday) – 5.5 Mag Earthquake in New Zealand

6/21 (2 Days Ago) – 6.1 Mag Earthquake in Iceland

6/20 (3 Days Ago) – 5.7 Mag Earthquake in Iceland

6/19 (4 Days Ago) – 5.6 Mag Earthquake near Fiji

6/18 (5 Days Ago) – 5.5 Mag and 7.4 Mag Earthquakes in New Zealand

6/17 (6 Days Ago) – 5.6 Mag Earthquake near Somoa

(Plus countless earthquakes in various places below 5.0 magnitude)

Also in the last few days:

  • Thousands of quakes ranging in magnitude (called a swarm) have been occurring in Iceland, which experts say may cause the continent’s most active volcano, Grimsvotn, to erupt. Locals reporting landslides and rockfalls in the area.

  • Indonesia’s most volatile volcano, Mt. Merapi, erupted Sunday, sending ash and hot gas 3.7 miles high.

  • A swarm of 136 earthquakes were recorded over a 24-hour period at Mount Kanloan, an active volcano on the island of Negros, Phillipines. This has so far resulted in steam emissions. The volcano is under close watch.

  • The massive locust swarms that have been blanketing several east African countries are steadily worsening, as they are spreading across southwest Asia and the middle east. Some of the countries affected include Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Uganda, and Iran. Most recently, Pakistan, India and Turkey are beginning to see swarms, as well.

  • A fourth tropical depression is forming off of the northeast US coast. It is expected to reach sustained winds of 39mph or above by tomorrow (Wednesday, 6/24), which will make it the fourth named storm for this year’s hurricane season, and the second earliest on record.

  • The birth pangs are quickening. Yet we patiently “wait for the blessed hope – the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

I, for one, am excited about the journey that awaits all believers! (P.S. It’s not an alien abduction).


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