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End Times News & Commentary

Report Shows Record Number of Pastors Consider Quitting

November 30, 2021

An alarming report by Barna Research reveals that 51% of mainline pastors are considering quitting the ministry. An Oklahoma ministry called Edify Leaders that provides care and encouragement to ministers has responded by adding online pastoral care and ministry coaching services to ministers of their churches.

"The Barna report shocked us," says Ray Sanders, founder of the ministry. "For a decade Edify Leaders has walked alongside pastors helping them process and navigate the challenges faced in life and ministry. Ministry can take its toll. It's never been this bad. COVID-19 brought things to a breaking point."

Over the years, Edify Leaders has developed a proven private and inspiring ministry coaching approach that is seeing incredible results as pastors are refreshed, recharged, and renewed. Edify Leaders has served more than 100 ministers from more than 16 denominations and has more than 100 years of combined ministry experience.

"We stand with pastors. We meet ministers in private as we serve as a sounding board and confidante. They talk and we listen. Pastors aren't superheroes. They face challenges and opportunities like everyone else," Sanders explained. "We added online consultation as an option to our in-person meetings. Everything is personal, convenient, and confidential. We go to where ministers are. The advantage of services like Zoom allows us to meet with anyone, anywhere."

Barna Research found more Protestant pastors are considering stepping away from ministry. Joe Jensen, Barna's vice president of church engagement, told the Christian Post,

"This particular stat, this is the highest we've ever seen it. 2021 is the highest we've seen it, which is why as a company, quite frankly, we are alarmed and are concerned about the overall well-being of pastors. We're concerned with how this is impacting the overall health of the Church. I really believe that at the heart of every healthy church is a healthy pastor."

Edify Leaders states its purpose as encouraging ministers not to grow weary. The services they offer in this regard are free of charge, as the organization is supported by donors.


Watch Post Commentary: The pressure put upon ministers is immense. The so-called pandemic has only made things worse, as pastors have had to choose whether to open their church doors, what do do about mask wearing, and how to handle the expectations of their parishioners with regard to vaccination requirements. Politics have made things contentious in recent years, as well. The Bible tells us to expect a falling away of the faith in the last days. Could the trend of ministers quitting their churches be a sign of this prophecy coming to pass?


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