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Pope Francis Up to No Good, Hosting New Age, Ecumenical Health Conference at Vatican

Pope Francis is no stranger to controversy. Nor is he shy about his preference for global governance and his desire for an ecumenical one-world religion. Many of his remarks have shocked and alarmed his fellow Catholics over the years. Never one to stifle conversation about contentious topics, the pontiff is at it again.

Pope Francis will address the virtual three-day event, which will cover an eclectic blend of medicine, New Age theories and religious discussion between groups as diverse as Muslims and Mormons. Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul, How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health, will run from May 6 to May 8. (The Australian)

The conference will supposedly explore a variety of mental and physical health concerns, regenerative medicine, the advantage of stem cells and COVID-19. But there's obviously more to it given the line-up of speakers. Among them are avid abortion advocate Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Dame Jane, and New Age alternative medicine supporter Deepak Chopra. Anthony Fauci is also on the list, as are both the Pfizer and Moderna CEOs.

One very vocal critic of the event is Archbishop Carlo Vigano, who issued a statement condemning not only the speakers but also the subject matter to be discussed. While the conference organizers claim that the purpose of the event is "to help us bridge science and faith," Vigano is clearly not fooled.

“The Holy See has deliberately renounced the supernatural mission of the Church’’, he said, making itself the “servant of the New World Order’’ and globalism," the Archbishop states.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear can easily discern this pope's role in helping usher in the coming satanic new world order. His views are more than just liberal, left wing, or progressive - they're downright dangerous - and the power and influence his position affords makes him an obvious threat to the survivability of true Christianity.




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