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Pope Francis Supports Censorship, Media Reforms, in the Name of God

I wasn't surprised when I recently learned that Pope Francis had been speaking out against what he deems conspiracy theories and hate speech in the spirit of "responsible use of technologies." In a statement to the World Meeting of Popular Movements last week, Francis called out tech and media companies to do more to ensure their platforms aren't harmful to humanity.

Yes, you read that right: the World Meeting of Popular Movements. This pope refuses to stick with feeding the hungry and blessing the poor. He consistently involves himself in discussions about all sorts of worldly matters. Many of them are politically polarizing. And many of his statements are spiritually confusing. Take his support for environmental restrictions to dampen the effects of climate change. Some of his remarks are borderline earth worship. His stance on the importance of submitting to the clotshot is downright dangerous. I suppose he too trusts the science instead of the Lord.

Francis claims to be piously concerned with human rights, yet he adamantly opposes the freedom to publicly disagree with the popular government narrative.

In the name of God, I ask the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.
In the name of God, I ask the telecommunications giants to ease access to educational material and connectivity for teachers via the internet so that poor children can be educated even under quarantine.
In the name of God, I ask the media to stop the logic of post-truth, disinformation, defamation, slander and the unhealthy attraction to dirt and scandal, and to contribute to human fraternity and empathy with those who are most deeply damaged.

Without coming right out and directly stating it, Francis clearly supports censorship of unpopular ideas, and he's looking at certain business leaders to execute that action. Am I the only one who sees through these thinly veiled motives? The pope's role in ushering in the beast system is blatant and undeniable.

As for me, I prefer to take my instruction and moral guidance from the Holy Spirit, not some white-robed pontiff who says that we all pray to the same god.



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