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Pope Francis Plays for the Wrong Team

(See 10/12/20 update at bottom of post)

He’s outspoken, controversial, and unlike any pope before him. His message sounds good: tolerance, acceptance, unity. But his language is often vague and open to interpretation. He weaves worldly ideals with spiritual virtues in a way that garners nods and applause. But this intermingling contradicts traditional Christian principles.

Many end-times watchmen have come to the conclusion that Pope Francis is being used by Satan to lead the world into deception. They liken him to the false prophet spoken of in the Book of Revelation who will one day deceive people into worshiping the antichrist. While the man bearing the title of Pope is also known as “the Vicar of Christ”, author Jan Markell says Francis is actually referred to as the “Vicar of the New World Order” in many circles because he’s one of its primary proponents.

While I could provide many documented examples in this blog, I’ll focus on just one area in which Pope Francis has recently raised suspicion. In September of last year, a member of the Pope’s own church, Mother Miriam, expressed great concern over the Francis’s recent invitation for religions and political leaders to sign his new Global Pact for a New Humanism. She cites an article from LifeSiteNews, which reported the pact as a “renewed and enthusiastic endorsement of globalism.” What does Mother Miriam think about globalism?

“It’s an attempt to simply control the population of the world. And it will be destructive. It

will be immoral, and that’s what it attempts to do.”

The article goes on to say that the pact was planned to be unveiled at the Vatican in May of 2020 during an event for another global initiative - the Global Education Alliance. The ultimate purpose of this particular pact is to reinvent education, to create a worldwide “change of mentality through education” (mother Miriam reading article) wherein “men and women [will be] open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialog and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families between generations and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism.”

A new humanism? The very definition of the word describes a worldview that places human (man-made) values above those of God! How can the supposed Vicar of Christ on earth support such wickedness? Mother Miriam sums it up well: this is demonic. Her sentiments are echoed by many others both inside and outside of the Catholic faith.

The goal of the new world order is global control over every aspect of every person and every life. The dark side will claim that this is a small price to pay for guaranteed world peace, security, economic equity, social justice and fairness. Countless people will believe this lie. But, what’s important to realize about any promised utopia is that utopia itself is not achievable by man – it can’t happen without Christ at the helm, and this is reserved for his thousand-year reign. Right after Jesus defeats Satan and his minions at Armageddon, he will restore order and bring peace. Only then, in the millennial kingdom led by Jesus Christ, is global utopia possible. So where does that leave Pope Francis? Well friends, he’s playing for the losing team.

UPDATE 10/12/2020: The following video from Pastor Brandon Holthaus provides a lot more evidence against Pope Francis. The video was published on YouTube on 10/11/20. I've added it to this blog post because it ties in very well to the content. (If the video does not embed properly, it can be found here:



YouTube Video: Pope Francis: An Apocalyptic Player? OliveTreeViews, with Jan Markell, Gary Kah, JD Farag and Tom Hughes.

YouTube Video: Pope’s proposal for ‘new humanism’ would ‘wipe out christianity’, Mother Miram speaking, 9/16/2019, LIfeSiteNews.


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