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End Times News & Commentary

Pope Francis Blesses Foundry-Grown Diamond

December 10, 2021

Pope Francis greets Martin Roscheisen, CEO of Diamond Foundry, as Roscheisen presents a foundry-created diamond to His Holiness The Pope on Thanksgiving Day 2021 in Rome, Italy. (Image from Diamond Foundry).

(The Watch Post): Pope Francis has reportedly bestowed a special blessing on a diamond. But not just any diamond. The 5-carat jewel that caught the pontiff's eye was produced with zero carbon emissions and presented by the world's first zero-emission diamond producer, Diamond Foundry, Inc. The pope praised the creation for being environmentally sustainable.

According to a news release about the blessing, Diamond Foundry, Inc. avoids mining altogether and converts greenhouse gases into pristine diamond using renewable energy powering proprietary plasma reactor technology. The company noted the pope's ardent support of such sustainability efforts, quoting him as saying "the earth's resources are being plundered because of short-sighted approaches. He also referred to traditional mining efforts as "extraction of wealth from land that paradoxically does not produce wealth for the local populations who remain poor."


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