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Pastor Jeffress Says Vaccines Derived from Aborted Babies Can be Used for Good

According to an article posted on website,, Christian pastor Robert Jeffress reportedly believes that "using cell lines from aborted fetuses can be used for the 'greater good.' I can think of no better example of 'falling away' from sound doctrine.

The article goes on to say that Jeffress compares the sacrificial nature of using aborted fetal cells to that of the death of Jesus on the cross. His blasphemous remark has angered some Christians, while others don't find fault with it. This just reminds me of what Jesus said about the path being narrow.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13)

As if the pope's declaration of support for this demonic injection wasn't bad enough, we now have protestant pastors such as Jeffress coming out in favor of it. Let's not forget that Franklin Graham recently encouraged his flock to take the experimental gene therapy too.

In Matthew 24:4 Jesus warns "see that no one leads you astray." Friends, we are surrounded by the spirit of the antichrist, and even the elect (prominent, famous, well-respected) are being deceived. The spiritual war is raging just behind a very thin veil. It's more important now than ever that we have eyes to see and ears to hear.


Cover photo by Fé Ngô.


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