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End Times News & Commentary

One Source of Truth

Many of us have long suspected that the mainstream media conglomerates were reporting lies, suppressing truth, and generating fake stories to cover the gaps. This past weekend, we learned that “Big-Tech” has a dog in the fight too. It seems that Twitter is more concerned with censoring conservative and alternative voices than it is with the price of its stock. After the shenanigans this past weekend when Twitter permanently suspended the account of the President of the United States, it went on to effectively eviscerate its competition, Parler. We saw Amazon get involved too. Other social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram have been plucking what they find to be unsavory content, from user accounts for months. Last Friday night one of the biggest purges of all took place across multiple platforms, all within minutes of one another. Needless to say, it caught the attention of the American public.

Many of us have turned to social media platforms to share news and information that mainstream media won’t report. When “Big-Tech” began eliminating the accounts we often visit, it was like putting blinders on us. We already know CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and any of the “big 6” conglomerates aren’t trustworthy. Removing alternative sources was a dirty trick to say the least.

But, there is a positive side to this mess. If nothing else, removal of the social media accounts we’re used to following gives us time to read our Bibles instead. After all, it is the one and only trustworthy and true source in the world. Perhaps the silence of the outside voices is a blessing. Perhaps it’s God’s way of turning our attention back to his word.


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