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Mother of Baby Nearly Hit by Antifa Flash Bomb Slams Media for Biased Coverage

August 25, 2021

(FW) A Christian mother from Portland, Oregon, is rebuking the media for failing to tell the full story about antifa.

Jamee Anatello, a mother of eight, is speaking out after her 8-month-old daughter was nearly hit in the face with a flash bomb set off by antifa agitators, The Christian Post reported.

The incident occurred, she told the outlet, during an Aug. 7 prayer rally for Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian pastor who has garnered international attention for his dustups with law enforcement officials, whom he has accused of targeting churches with restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Anatello attended the event with five of her children, telling The Post she “never” imagined antifa rioters would show up at the prayer rally, which was held at Tom McCall Park along the Portland waterfront.

Nevertheless, she said, rioters outnumbered Christians.

Most of the media attention, Anatello noted, was on the the far-right group the Proud Boys, which has been described as a white supremacist group. Its leader, Enrique Tarrio, an Afro-Cuban man, was sentenced Monday to more than five months in prison for burning a Black Lives Matter banner stolen from a church in Washington, D.C., as well as carrying two high-capacity magazines when he was later arrested.


Story by Tre Goins-Philllips, Faithwire.


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