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End Times News & Commentary

EWTN's 'Speak of the Devil - Spiritual Warfare' Teaches us How to Fight the Enemy and Win

October 19, 2021

(PRNewswire) In EWTN's stunning new docudrama, "Speak of the devil – Spiritual Warfare,' Director Campbell Miller takes you inside a pious medieval family whose youngest son is seduced by the devil in a riveting retelling of the story of the Prodigal Son. As the drama unfolds, we hear from experts in spiritual warfare who explain what is happening on a supernatural level and the many weapons we have in our battle against the evil one. Watch the story unfold at 10 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Oct. 20. (Additional airings at 10:30 a.m. ET, Thursday, Oct. 21; 8 p.m. ET, Saturday, Oct. 23; and 1:30 am. ET, Monday, Oct. 25. Plus, tune in at 8 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Oct. 20 for a special "EWTN Live" interview with the Director and Executive Producer Aidan Gallagher.)

"People don't realize the devil exists," says Miller. "When you dabble with the occult, you're opening the door. But we have weapons and armor that have been given us by our Lord to fight it. That is the one thing I would like the viewer to take away."

"One of [satan's] greatest weapons is deception," Miller continues. "People believe he's only the symbol of evil. Reiki, palm reading, the Ouija board, angel cards – they all open the door to evil. I've heard of people talking about angel cards. They're using Christian terminology so people think it's Christian warfare they are taking part in."

As the film opens, Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J., theologian, author and EWTN TV host, explains that the devil is very real and it's our job to know who he is and how he fights. "We are in a spiritual war with demonic powers," says Father Mitch. "These spiritual forces try to prevent human beings from making a decision to love God. They will do everything in their power to stop us from being with our Father."

This film is brimming with information viewers need to hear. Learn about the most terrifying moment in history for the devil, about the moment when the devil is most afraid of us; why we must be sensitive to the voice of the angels; and what happens when we don't pray.

The good news is that the battle is not just about mankind looking for God. The Hound of Heaven chases His children down the highways and byways of life. This film encourages viewers to let themselves be caught!

Find out how to not only fight the enemy but win when EWTN premieres one of the important films of the year – and please invite friends and family to the viewing. It will be a night to remember!



Cover Image from EWTN Website


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