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Court Rules Against Christian Cake Maker Yet Again

[Christian Persecution, John 15:19; Calling Evil Good and Good Evil, Isaiah 5:20]

June 18, 2021

(FW) Jack Phillips just wants to make cakes. He also wants to serve the Lord faithfully. Unfortunately, left-wing activists have made that nearly impossible as much of his time and energy is fighting left-wing activists in court.

This week, Phillips lost another round after a judge ruled in favor of someone requesting a cake that celebrated a gender transition. His legal team has vowed to file an appeal.

The latest court ruling against Phillips – in which Judge A. Bruce Jones ruled in favor of a transgender individual who wanted to create a pink and blue cake that “was a reflection of her transition from male to female.”

The plaintiff is Autumn Scardina, a lawyer, who appears to have singled out Phillips because of previous high profile court cases he was involved with. This time, however, the focus is on transgendered individuals rather than gay marriage.

Scardina called Masterpiece Cake Shop and spoke with Phillips’ wife. They requested a custom designed cake, pink on the inside and blue on the outside, to celebrate a gender transition.

Phillips, of course, is a Christian and does not believe people can simply change genders. The scientifically accurate position held by Phillips is held because of his strong religious beliefs, and he felt accepting this request would be in conflict with those beliefs.

“The decision was not because of the person who requested it, as Phillips would not create a cake expressing the requested message no matter who asked for it,” wrote the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in a release today.

Judge Jones ruled against Phillips, and explained the decision by downplaying the significance of the cake design, reducing it to simply a “pink and blue birthday cake” rather than a cake specifically designed to transition from one gender to the other.


Story by Dan Andros of Faithwire


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