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Climate Change, Socialism & the New World Order

In case you had any doubt, global elitists are actively using the climate change conundrum to garner widespread support for the implementation of socialism around the world. What does socialism have to do with climate change? Nothing. But climate change is a good crisis on which to hang the need for drastic change. Socialism is that drastic change. The globalists who strive to execute a new world order have convinced the masses that this drastic change will bring about a more just and equitable society.

Hard core environmental activists have bought the lie. It serves their purpose. The media has also taken part in the delusion. Journalists routinely condemn mankind for making such a mess of the planet. Leftist politicians, those puppets of unseen powers, claim that only a Green New Deal can save the earth. Even the pope openly favors the cause. His speeches and utterings border on being earth worship. And why not embrace socialism to get us to the utopia we all desire? That plane of existence where fair and equal assets for all blot out individualism, meritocracy, passion for living.

I recently came across three very distinct articles, all published within days of one another, that illustrate they way in which the elitists are spinning the narrative to engineer our culture and bend it to their will. They will convince us that their ideas about socialism, servitude, loss of liberty in favor of the good of all, were actually our own ideas. And that will ensure complete buy-in.

The first article built upon the premise that climate change is, to some degree, directly responsible for the increase in natural disasters we’ve been experiencing. No doubt, wildfires are worse this year. Hurricanes are stronger and more violent than ever. Unprecedented heat waves are upon us. Earthquakes are on the rise, and rare weather events like derechos and medicanes(1) (MSN, 2020) are unleashing devastation across the globe.

Whether or not the increase in these occurrences can be blamed on climate change is not the point. What’s important to note is the connection the article drew to an ever increasing population: “while more people live in flood zones today than ever before, it’s partly because there are simply more people then ever before needing housing” (Smith, 2020). Make no mistake, this was no harmless observation. Part of the plan for the new world order includes depopulation, which the elites deem necessary to secure and control natural resources. (Look into Agenda 21 and the Georgia Guidestones). Socialism is a system built upon this type of control.

The second article, "This Is Inequity at the Boiling Point" (Sengupta, 2020), is for those of us who may be swayed by use of strong emotional appeal. The writer introduces us to several individuals, living in different areas around the world, whose suffering during the hot months of the year is exacerbated by their poverty.

A hotter planet does not hurt equally. If you’re poor…. you’re likely to be much more vulnerable to extreme heat. You might be unable to afford an air-conditioner, and you might not even have electricity…. You may have no choice but to work outdoors under a sun so blistering that first your knees feel weak and then delirium sets in. Or the heat might bring a drought so punishing that, no matter how hard you work under the sun, your corn withers and your children turn to you in hunger.

The article pulls at the heart strings, and I have no doubt that the people profiled therein really do suffer much in their circumstances. But let’s not forget the writer’s premise. Needy people are forced to suffer more from the results of global warming than affluent people. This is unfair. Those who suffer less should be ashamed of themselves. We should all suffer the same amount!

The third article offered, in no uncertain terms, the solution to all this suffering and inequality. You guessed it. Socialism! In this dirty piece of blatant propaganda, the writer confidently expressed his opinion as fact. The scourge of global heatwaves are “both a symptom of capitalism and a sign it is destroying life on the planet (Nessuno, 2020). He openly berates private property ownership and places blame squarely on “capitalist countries [that] contribute heavily to ecological destruction through war” and “Imperialist countries such as the U.S., England, France, Germany and Israel [that] spend trillions of dollars and dedicate enormous industrial capacity to expanding their military might, all for the purpose of defending their economic interests worldwide.”

His ultimate conclusion? The working class must push for socialism and work to undo the deep scars of capitalism, for the good of all life on this planet. Sound familiar? Prioritize the good of society, the good of the group, over your rights as an individual. This mantra has become a great sign of virtue in our society. Yet it’s a false virtue. Indeed there are times when selflessness is needed and appropriate. But on a large scale, such lack of regard for self actually destroys the spirit of mankind, his ability to prosper, and the overall progress of society as a whole.

Striving for complete and total fairness and equality of assets and resources (in whatever form they take) is not biblical. There are countless examples in scripture where some were given more than others based on their abilities and choices. The Parable of Talents is just one of many. And besides, as Christians we know that without the presence of Jesus Christ reigning on the earth, as he will in the millennial period, such utopia is not achievable.

So what makes the global elites believe that they can deliver on the promises that they claim socialism will bring us? Are they simply ignorant of the detriment such a system will cause? No. They know very well the type of society that will emerge as their new socialistic world order comes to fruition. That is what motivates them.



(1) Medicanes – rare Mediterranean tropical cyclones that are much like hurricanes.



MSN News. (2020, September 20). Three dead as Greece starts clean-up after rare ‘medicane’ storm. Retrieved from,the%20centre%20of%20the%20country.&text=On%20Saturday%2C%20an%20elderly%20woman,and%20killed%20%2D%20also%20in%20Karditsa.

Nessuno, Q. (2020, August 3). Record-breaking heat waves: Urgent alert to need for socialism – a WW commentary. Workers World. Retrieved from

Sengupta, S. (2020, August 7). This is inequity at the boiling point. New York Times. Retrieved from

Smith, D. (2020, August 24). Deadly fires, hurricanes, floods: Here’s why the situation is getting worse. Retrieved from


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