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City of Phoenix One of 21 to Host Giant Statue that Shape-Shifts & Talks this Year

[And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause to be killed as many as would not worship the image of the beast. -Revelation 15:13]

The Giant Company's 10-story moving, speaking, singing giant statue concept. Picture courtesy the Giant Company.

(WP) The Giant Company recently announced plans to showcase its 10-story, giant sculptures in 21 cities this year, in hopes to both market the concept and also entice business leaders to invest the $18 million necessary to have the giant structures permanently installed. Phoenix has made the list.

Based in Ireland, the Giant Company website describes these giant structures as "the world's tallest moving sculpture, most captivating billboard, and most exciting digital art gallery." Designed to promote tourism, the giant statues should also stimulate the economies and create jobs in areas where they are installed.

"Could you imagine watching a 10-story tall Beyoncé perform on Grand Ave? What about John Lennon on Van Buren or a much-larger-than-life Larry Fitzgerald near State Farm Stadium?"

The surface of the statue is made from a unique, patented "skin" called a LED pixel matrix. Once programmed, this technology enables the statue to take on any image desired - from heroes to politicians to common citizens. It can sing, speak, wave its arms and move its head. What's more, each giant statue will offer panoramic views from its upper levels. Other amenities, such as retail shops, restaurants, and art exhibitions, may be housed inside the structures as well.

"The Giant will be one of the world’s most ambitious cultural and commercial projects bringing together art, amusement and wonder to create a contemporary and highly profitable business," said Paddy Dunning (developer of the project) in a press release.

According to the developers, a giant statue can be built in 18 to 24 months, and the installation can be either temporary or permanent. To learn more about this gargantuan endeavor, visit


Cover image courtesy of the Giant Company


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