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Biden Reportedly Tells Xi Jinping US Doesn't Support 'Taiwan's Independence'

November 16, 2021

(Sputnik International): On Monday, a virtual summit between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden took place, with the two leaders exchanging views on bilateral relations and issues of common interest. The online meeting was held amid rising tensions between Washington and Beijing.

US President Joe Biden said at the virtual meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping that the US adheres to the ‘one China’ policy and does not support "Taiwan’s independence", China Central Television (CCTV) reported following the bilateral summit.

Joe Biden noted during the meeting that the US neither aims to change China’s system nor enter a conflict with Beijing, according to CCTV. While commenting on the outcome of the summit, a senior White House official argued that President Joe Biden was reaffirming the "very longstanding approach" of the US towards Taiwan.

"There is something that the US has reiterated at various points over time, what our officials have reiterated publicly earlier this year", that there is nothing particularly new or different about the US policy, the official said.

According to the White House readout of Biden’s virtual meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, “President Biden underscored that the United States remains committed to the 'one China' policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances, and that the United States strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his turn, warned Joe Biden during the online meeting that China is ready to take decisive actions if separatist forces in Taiwan cross "the red line", Xinhua reported.


Story originally posted on Sputnik International. Cover image a screenshot from CBS News tweet.


Watch Post Commentary: This news certainly confuses those of us who were under the impression that the Biden Administration supported Taiwan in it's ability to remain as it currently stands, not under the oppressive rule of China. Talk about mixed signals. It certainly begs the question - what about other allied nations that have previously spoken out against China's desire to break their agreement with Taiwan, thus forcing the nation to become part of sovereign China? Some commentators believe this signals a coming invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese military. With all the confusion and deception In our world lately, it's difficult to tell what might happen. Doubtless, however, Biden's statement could certainly be interpreted by some as a shift in policy and a stab in the back to an ally. With this and what happened over the summer in Afghanistan, Israel must be feeling very uncertain about the United States right now.

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