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Biden Leaning on Businesses to Promote Masking and Vaccinations

February 26, 2021

(WP) The White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials delivered a press briefing this morning, unveiling a new partnership created by Biden Administration.

COVID Vaccination. Photo by Hakan Nural.

“Today the Administration is announcing a new partnership with American’s leading business organizations to enlist the full force of the private sector to defeat COVID 19 with a call to action,” a spokesperson said.

Biden’s team has joined forces with the Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the Business Roundtable, as well as leaders in the Black, Latino and Asian business community to help speed the end of the pandemic.

The Administration is now leaning on America’s business community to promote what they deem to be three “critical efforts” to increase safety of the employees, customers, and the community overall. Specifically, the president is asking that businesses:

  1. Require masking and social distancing to protect workers customers and others on their premises.

  2. Create a plan for employees to get vaccinated.

  3. Educate the public about the benefits of masking and vaccination through various methods of communication.

The Biden team suggests that companies offer incentives to encourage employee participation in vaccine efforts. Such enticements might include paid time off, which is what Best Buy, Target and Dollar General are reportedly doing. Some companies are offering bonus dollars to workers who receive a shot.

Businesses are being asked to amplify certain pro-masking and pro-vaccination messages on their products, properties, and websites to fulfill the governmental request that they assist in educating the public.

The U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working together to help private sector companies in this education effort by providing them access to agency research and other resources. In doing so, they hope to reach hundreds of thousands of businesses representing over a hundred million people.

During the press conference, the White House spokesperson mentioned several ways that private companies are already doing their part to end the pandemic. He gave kudos to companies like Gap and Ford for producing and donating millions of masks. He also mentioned that professional sports leagues and live entertainment venues have offered up more than a hundred stadiums and properties to be used by local communities as vaccination sites.

While this new partnership is presented as socially responsible thing for businesses large and small to participate in, some business owners are expressing concern. Companies that do not wish to be part of what they believe to be a propaganda campaign could be singled out or boycotted. It’s unclear what, if any, type of government funding is granted to businesses that do agree to join the partnership. Questions then arise as to whether those that do participate are gaining an unfair advantage over their competitors.

In the meantime, Uber, PayPal and Walgreens have teamed to donate more than 10 million dollars in free rides to vaccination sites. Lift has partnered with CVS and the YMCA to provide 60 million free or discounted rides.



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