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End Times News & Commentary

Beware of False Archaeology!

According to a recent documentary, global elitists plan to use false archaeology to discredit existing religious belief systems. This deception is necessary to implement the coming one world religion. Being the world's most prominent faiths, Christians and Muslims are the primary targets.

The documentary explains that "fake earthquakes" will occur in precise locations around the globe. At these locations, new artifacts will be found. These findings will dismantle primary religious belief systems by presenting new evidence that disputes scriptural history.

Starchild skull as shown on Starchild Project website
Starchild Skull (SCP site)
Artist rendering of Starchild face as shown on SCP website
Artist Rendering (Curtiss)

Experts will claim that fundamental religious doctrine has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. A new "truth" will then be revealed which eventually convinces the masses to worship the antichrist.

Destroying the beliefs of Christians and Muslims is paramount in achieving a one-world religion. The sinister plan to falsify archaeological evidence is one way the enemy intends to go about it.

In fact, there's reason to believe that fake evidence has already been planted. Take, for example, the so-called Starchild Skull, which was found in Mexico in the 1930s. Many believe that the 900-year-old skull is of alien origin. Self-proclaimed alternative researcher Lloyd Pye, who died in 2013, was a staunch supporter of this idea, claiming that the artifact is that of a human-alien hybrid species.

The documentary also makes an interesting case for what's known as Project Blue Beam. This is a well-documented topic that has been in the works for decades. It involves a massive, complex laser light and hologram display that can be projected to earth from satellites currently in orbit.

The bottom line is this – not only are we surrounded by fake and biased news reports, but also fake and biased scientists and experts. Question everything. Trust nothing but the Lord. Test the spirits. Pray for discernment.




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