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Another Globalist Get-Together Planned to Determine YOUR Future

GESDA to hold inaugural summit in October for global diplomacy initiatives based on emerging science breakthroughs. Oh boy.

The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA), a Swiss organization, recently announced plans to host its first annual summit in early October. Expected to attend are some 300 United Nations officials, diplomats, "impact leaders," and representatives from a variety of those pesky non-government organizations (NGOs) we all love so much. Unspecified members of the general public are also said to be invited.

Here's a sampling of what they plan to discuss:

  • how to catalyze multilateralism through anticipation and action in science diplomacy;

  • future global challenges for human genome engineering;

  • a common future for quantum computing;

  • the road to the utilization of space resources;

  • co-development of advanced AI at a global scale with universal safe access;

  • and future of financing and development schemes based on science advances.

Or, in laymen's terms:

  • how to enable globalist agendas and squash nationalism around the world

  • how to keep moving toward a trans-human utopia despite moral objections

  • how to successfully turn everything over to the AI god

  • how to connect the entire planet to the AI god using space satellites, 5G, and other technologies

  • co-development of advanced AI at a global scale with universal MANDATORY access

  • rolling out the global digital money platform and implementing social credit scoring

They also mention geoengineering, which is weather control in case you didn't know. All of these wonderful new plans are to be laid out for the next five, 10, and 25 years.

One of the outcomes specifically stated in the GESDA announcement is the "establishment of a new global court or dispute settlement body for the self-regulation of scientific disputes over ethics, privacy, the governance of science and the overall benefits to humanity of scientific progress." Their desire to abolish the existence sovereign nations couldn't be more obvious.

Another stated goal of GESDA is "an international agreement on the co-development, access and use of advanced AI models, along with the creation of an organization to support and rule on those global governance standards." Yet, why must the governance be global? Oh, yes, of course - so they (the one world powers that are to be) can control it.

"Breakthrough technologies such as advanced artificial intelligence, genome editing, neuro-enhancement, decarbonization and computational diplomacy are set to dominate the global agenda in the coming decades," said Patrick Aebischer, GESDA's Vice Chairman and former President of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology In Lausanne. "GESDA will serve as a 'think tank' and as a 'do tank' by bridging different communities while ensuring that we can make the most of these anticipated scientific advances. With the Sustainable Development Goals in sight, and forthcoming global challenges, we must ensure we are ready to put governance frameworks in place without slowing down innovation which will improve people's lives."

Notice Aebischer's mention of Sustainable Development Goals. These are the goals and initiatives of the World Economic Forum, as laid out in their Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 documents. If you aren't familiar with those, suffice it to say that they are the roadmap for creating a one-world government which is capable of exerting its control over everything and everyone on the planet. (We Bible thumpers call this the beast system. It was prophesied and it's coming to fruition).

And so the globalists are throwing another shindig to determine the future for the masses because, after all, they know better than we do what's best for us. Right? Imagine their shock when they realize that's not how the story ends.


Tell us what you think about the global elitists and their plans to completely transform life on planet Earth.


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