American Bar Association Mandates Critical Race Theory Curriculum
The American Bar Association has just decided to mandate critical race theory (CRT) in American law schools, further enshrining the dominance of CRT in jurisprudence.
According to Cornell law professor William A. Jacobson, “This race-focused mandate is being forced on law schools through the American Bar Association’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar (ABA)…….. Law students must attend schools whose accreditor is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to receive federal student loans. The ABA is the only federally recognized law school accreditor.”
Jacobson went on to write of the mandate’s “obsessive focus on systemic racism, a subject of scholarly dispute...” Jacobson also writes of the ABA’s clear bias for progressivism: “ABA membership dropped from 300,000 (over 50% of the bar) in 1980 to 194,000 (14.4%) in 2017. ABA may once have been a proxy for the American legal community, but now it’s just a proxy for the left wing of the American legal community.”
From my own experience as a lawyer, Jacobson is spot on. Ironically, this mandate comes on the heels of the recent “woke mob” treatment of Native American law student Trent Colbert. Trent was dogpiled by fellow Yale law students and administrators calling him racist after a misunderstanding of the word “trap house” in an email to classmates. Wokism is becoming “the” American established religion, in violation of the First Amendment, in a way progressives would never tolerate if it were Christianity.
Legally, “religion” does not require an expressed belief in God. The Supreme Court has interpreted religion as “[w]hether a given belief that is sincere and meaningful occupies a place in the life of its possessor parallel to that filled by the orthodox belief in God of one who clearly qualifies for the exemption. Where such beliefs have parallel positions in the lives of their respective holders we cannot say that one is 'in relation to a Supreme Being' and the other is not." Merriam-Webster dictionary includes the following definition for religion: “a cause, principle, or system of belief held to with ardor and faith.”
Critical race theory doctrines drive wokism and those tenets meet the definition of religion. Church planter Voddie Baucham, who did post-graduate work at the University of Oxford while studying CRT, has written extensively on the subject from the perspective of an African-American pastor, author, and dean of theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia.
By Bill Connor, Op-ed Contributor, The Christian Post