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End Times News & Commentary

Aliens, UFOs & the Great Deception

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie (II Thes 2:9-11 NKJV).

Have you noticed how often stories about unidentified flying objects have been in the news lately? UFOs (now called aerial phenomena) have been the fodder of sci-fi and speculative journals for decades, but recently, headlines have started appearing in more mainstream media outlets as well.

A CNN story from April of this year, Pentagon Officially Releases UFO Videos, may have been the spark that lit the most recent fire, so to speak. In that report, the Pentagon referenced three short videos taken by US Navy pilots and released by third party, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences between December 2017 and March 2018.

The videos briefly showed some sort of strange, saucer-like craft, which the pilots were able to lock onto using advanced infrared image sensors. However, the craft quickly darted out of the frame and the pilots were unable to lock onto it again. In September of 2019, CNN reported that the US Navy had confirmed the authenticity of these videos. A few months later, CNN reported that the Pentagon had confirmed them, as well.

What’s interesting about this story is that the footage was captured back in 2004. While it’s unclear how the third party obtained them in 2017, it took the US Navy two more years to publicly authenticate, and the Pentagon another two years.

Think about that for just a minute. Why did the US government wait until we were well into the year 2020 to address and authenticate these videos? Was it politics, red tape, typical government secrecy, or something else entirely?

The reason that all of this is relevant to the end times watch is this: many Christians have speculated that the rapture of the church will be explained away by those left behind as a mass alien abduction. The Bible says there will be a great deception, and some claim this could be part of it. By now, informed adults realize that the powers behind the mass media (including television and movies) have been attempting to “program” society since at least the 1950s. (Research Project Mockingbird if this idea is new to you). And, the US government is complicit.

Granted, this post makes a lot of assumptions about reality. But, as watchmen, we should not ignore the possibility that the alien/UFO story is being played out to draw more credible-seeming attention to the phenomena. We shouldn’t scoff at the thought that many thousands of people already believe in the existence of aliens, and abduction to them would be a plausible explanation for the disappearance of mass amounts of people after the rapture. As watchmen, we should consider that the powers that be might actually be pre-programming the public for such an explanation. And as watchmen, we must make this possibility known for two reasons: 1. So that believers are not led astray in their faith as these ideas about aliens are thrust upon us, 2. So that those who are left behind might stumble upon the information and realize that they’ve been deceived.

For ongoing news about aliens and UFO, follow the Watch Post’s Flipboard magazine, The Great Deception.


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