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Adbusters' White House Siege or Satire?

You may have noticed an alert on the Watch Post homepage for an upcoming event called the White House Siege, which was to take place over a 50-day period beginning Thursday, September 17. The planned event was publicized on various social media platforms, and the siege organizer, Adbusters Media Foundation, even released several “tactical briefings” on

According to its website, Adbusters is a non-profit organization based in Canada. The company has been around since 1989, and apparently plays a part in left-leaning cultural movements around the globe. Occupy Wall Street here in the US is but one example.

Without giving them much more airtime, suffice it to say that the White House Siege event has now morphed into “50 Days of Nonviolent Improv Jazz Throughout the Country.” As quoted in a recent article, details are as follows:

On street corners and in front of federal buildings of every town and city, and in front of the White House, let’s start playing non-violent improv jazz in defiance of Trump’s tyranny. Bring your horn, find a comrade, and strike up a riff. As the music swells, the air above the entire nation will become steeped in the deep blue revolutionary hue of collaborative, organic, improvised jazz. Our 50-day blast of impassioned jazz could change the outcome of the election.

So was the White House Siege event published as a joke? Was it simply satire? It’s difficult to tell. Perhaps the entire project was simply meant as propaganda in some form or fashion. But with all the truly serious happenings making the news these days (you know, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, and middle east peace agreements), it seems to me that the Adbusters exercise was a shameful waste of thought energy.



Adbusters’ September 17 White House Siege Is Now 50 Days of Improv Jazz.

Adbusters Wikipedia Entry.


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