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End Times News & Commentary

11 Christian Movies About the End Times

April 28, 2021

Christian writers and filmmakers have created various interpretations of the end-times, and although Christians should not depend on a movie as Gospel truth, films do inspire us to think, study, and investigate the scriptures for ourselves.

If you have questions about the rapture and the end-times, you can explore the following list of powerful end-times movies. These films explore important biblical themes and imagine what the biblical end times will look like (plus: we have a helpful end-times theology guide you can download).


The Mark

Focusing on the prophecy in Revelation that the mark of the beast will be required to buy and sell, “The Mark” movies follow ex-military man, Chad Turner, as he finds himself marked and tries to stop the same from happening to the rest of the world.

The Mark 2: Redemption

And “The Mark” isn’t the only film worth checking out, as there’s a sequel: “The Mark 2: Redemption.” In this follow-up film, two heroes on the run pray to receive help from a higher power in a world of chaos.

Jerusalem Countdown

In this “24”-like story of terror and the fight for peace, agent Shane Daughtry teams up with a CIA agent to stop an apocalyptic plot that will detonate nuclear bombs on American soil. Based on the best-selling novel by John Hagee.

Rumors of Wars

A military enforcer of the future finds a mysterious diary with information about how the world came to be as it is, and it makes him question everything he thinks he knows about his life.


Angels and demons go to war over a young newlywed couple. Jason has had visions ever since he was a young boy, and his wife Jessica wants to help him in any way she can. Note: this film is not suitable for children.

New World Order

It’s been three years since the apocalypse happened, and Demi and Christen are living in the New World Order.


Noah and the Last Days

This film offers a fascinating take on the Bible and the end times. Presenting a somber warning, “Noah and the Last Days” considers what the ancient story of Noah may say about the present and future existence of human beings.

End Times: How Close Are We?

Are the end times upon us? When it was written, nearly 30 percent of the Bible’s content was prophetic. Today, nearly all these prophecies have become recorded history. So, let’s dive into what all that means.


One of the most well-known events in the end times is the “Rapture.” The Rapture is a prophetic event that is perhaps most widely known as the belief that God will supernaturally rescue Christians before the Tribulation period, a time characterized by chaos and destruction that unfolds as the end times kicks into high gear. Its theological elements make it a prime event for depiction on the big screen.

This idea of a so-called “pre-Tribulation Rapture” (a Rapture before the Tribulation period) is a widely accepted belief in many evangelical circles — but not everyone agrees that it’s a biblical slam-dunk. Some theologians and pastors flatly reject the idea that Jesus will usher believers off of the Earth before the Tribulation period, though, regardless of where Christians stand on the Rapture, the vast majority believe in a still-unfulfilled event known as the Second Coming — a time when Christ is expected to return to battle the Antichrist and establish His kingdom.

Here are some Rapture-focused movies in Pure Flix’s “Revelation Road” series:

Revelation Road

The Rapture takes place as traveling salesman Josh McManus stops a robbery by a vicious biker gang, then tries to get home to his family in the midst of the resulting chaos.

Revelation Road 2

Josh McManus continues on his quest to reunite with his family, joined by three friends and continually being hunted by a violent biker gang.

Revelation Road 3

The beleaguered mayor sends Josh McManus on a vital mission to find the mysterious and elusive “shepherd.”

A Thief In the Night

It’s difficult to discuss rapture movies without bringing up “A Thief in the Night,” a 1972 movie that was widely popular in many Christian homes. It’s a story about Patty, a young woman caught up in living for the present with little concern for the future. When she finds herself caught in the midst of the end times, everything changes.

In The Blink of An Eye

Stuck reliving the same nightmare day after day, a man discovers evidence of a worldwide event known in biblical prophecies as The Rapture. This is one of the most intriguing Rapture movies worth exploring.

Have you watched any of these films? Are there others you'd recommend? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!



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